21 Apr Chocolate Granola
I have a sister who loves to bake, just like I do. When I stayed with her recently, I tasted her latest creation – this totally addictive chocolate granola. She worked hard at perfecting the recipe, and then kindly shared it with me. I promised that I’d send her a shout-out for that. So thanks Sandra!
Considering how delicious this chocolate granola tastes, I was quite surprised to find that is also quite healthy. Healthy is not really my thing, so I added my own special touch – in the form of some chocolate chips. There, that’s better!
Not only is this granola delicious and fairly healthy… it is also extremely easy to make. Stir wet ingredients into dry and bake. Voila! Crispy, crunchy, nutty, chocolate granola. Breakfast is about to get a whole lot more delicious!
4 cups oats
1 ½ cups slivered almonds
½ cup mixed seeds
1 cup coconut flakes
1 cup cornflakes
Generous pinch of salt
⅓ cup cocoa (add an extra tablespoon for a more chocolate flavour)
⅔ cup honey
⅓ cup coconut oil
2 tsp vanilla extract
⅔ cup chocolate chips (optional – I used twin choc chips available from baking stores)
- Preheat your oven to 140°C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
- Add the oats, nuts, seeds, coconut flakes, cornflakes, cocoa and salt to a large bowl. Stir gently to combine*.
- Place the honey and coconut oil in a heatproof bowl and microwave for 20-30 seconds to melt.
- Stir in the vanilla, then add this liquid to the dry ingredients and stir gently until everything is evenly coated.
- Spread the mixture onto the lined baking tray and bake for 40 minutes, stirring the granola halfway through baking.
- Switch the oven off and allow the granola to cool completely in the oven. Do not stir!
- Once the granola has cooled completely, stir in the chocolate chips and transfer to an airtight jar.
- Enjoy as a snack or add milk for a delicious breakfast!
* For extra big clusters: use a food processor or pestle and mortar to crush 1/2 cup of the oats into a coarse powder before adding back to the dry ingredients. Do not stir halfway through baking, just rotate the pan.
If you like dessert for breakfast, try Apple Crumble Granola or Pecan Pie Granola!
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